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Wesleyan Welcomes the Class of 2025

On August 13, 2021, Wesleyan welcomed over 110 new students and their families to campus for move-in day. With the help of orientation leaders, resident advisors, faculty, staff, and the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association, the Class of 2025 started their Wesleyan journey with a day full of excitement, welcoming faces, and new experiences.

The Class of 2025 was formally welcomed to Wesleyan that afternoon during the matriculation ceremony. During this ceremony, students received their Wesleyan pin, signed the honor code, and officially began their academic careers at Wesleyan!

The first-year Class of 2025 Stats

  • 90% of the first-year class is from Georgia (95% last year)

  • 10% are from out of state or international (5% last year)

Their ethnic breakdown is as follows:

  • Black/African American 50 (44.6%)

  • White 37 (33%)

  • Hispanics of any race 8 (7.1%)

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1 (.9%)

  • Two or more races 10 (8.9%)

  • Asian 1 (0.9%)

Top Majors of Interest

  • Nursing 25 (23.5%)

  • Biology 21 (18.8%)

  • Psychology 11 (9.8%)

Director of First-Year Experience Ken Blair said, "From orientation through the start of the semester, this class has been fully engaged and excited about their upcoming academic endeavors and future career goals. The "WEStastic" Class of 2025 shows great promise at Wesleyan because of their dreams, goals, and passion for learning."

The First-Year Experience (FYE) at Wesleyan College is designed to assist first-year students in the transition from high school to college and help students have a successful first year of college. The goal of the First-Year Experience (FYE) at Wesleyan College is to motivate and inspire first-year students to reach their full academic potential while transitioning and enjoying the college experience. How you can help – REFER A STUDENT: Nobody knows the value of a Wesleyan College education better than her alumnae. We encourage you to share your experiences with high school girls and their parents. Encourage them to attend a Preview Day or take a virtual tour. Invite them to contact the offices of enrollment services and financial aid. Guide them to our website to learn about scholarships, grants, and loans.

Don’t forget about the Legacy Scholarship, valued at $15,000, offered to incoming first-year students who are referred to the College by a Wesleyan alumna who is a grandmother, mother, step-mother, sister, step-sister, sister-in-law, or aunt of the student. (The relationships of great-aunt, godmother, and cousin are not considered legacy. Wesleyan College reserves the right to limit scholarship funds based upon availability.) The Wesleyan First Book Award, is another great way for alumnae to promote Wesleyan College. The award is given to outstanding high school sophomores who are eligible for a significant scholarship if they matriculate at Wesleyan.





About Wesleyan College

Wesleyan draws a wonderfully eclectic mix of women – about 700 in all – from across the United States and more than twenty countries, bringing to campus a multitude of backgrounds and ethnicities. Wesleyan students choose to study here because they want to test their limits. The bar is set high because our students demand it. First for Women isn’t just a claim to fame - it’s a philosophy that explains why Wesleyan women continue to make history today.  Read More


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