Wesleyan’s newly redesigned graduate business program offers admission for experienced business leaders and for recent graduates who have earned their bachelor’s degrees. Concentrations include Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in nonprofit management*, and Master of Science in health care administration (*pending approval from SACSCOC). Graduate business programs at Wesleyan share a core of classes so students are exposed to many different perspectives. Shared courses meet in-person, on campus for seven consecutive Saturdays. Specialty classes for each program are taught online over an eight-week term. The curriculum includes methodology allowing students to become Green Belt certified in Lean Six Sigma upon completion.
The Master of Science in health care administration degree is designed to prepare students for work as health care administrators. Building on Wesleyan’s long-standing partnerships with the medical community and Middle Georgia’s growing health care industry, the program prepares students to hold vital positions in hospitals, doctors’ offices, clinics, and laboratories in both public and private sectors.
The Master of Science in nonprofit management degree is designed to prepare students for work in the nonprofit sector, a sector that is expected to grow by 9% by 2028 (according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics). Middle Georgia has a thriving nonprofit sector and preparing students with sound business skills to work in that sector is consistent with the mission of the College. Students in this program benefit from the in-person collaboration that occurs in the classroom, an environment that mirrors the nonprofit work world.
The Master of Business Administration degree is designed to allow its graduates to perform effectively as executives. The instructional activities coupled with the educational experiences found in the program provide students with skills that can be utilized in a wide variety of management positions and settings. Students in this program will enhance their skills in analyzing the global business environment, developing business approaches, and understanding the significance of the planning process. Another key element of the program includes an international study abroad component designed to give students insights into international operations.
At Wesleyan, we pride ourselves on small classes and personal interactions with faculty. Our affordable, 14-month fast track programs combine online learning and engaging on-campus classes for student flexibility. Our large classrooms make it easy to allow at least six feet of distance between students.