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True, faithful, and loyal x 3

Master of Business Administration graduate student David Gowan chose to enroll in Wesleyan’s program because of the international business component where students spend ten to fourteen days visiting cities and meeting with executives in countries that lead the world in global business.

As the husband of Michelle Martin Gowan ’85, David knew Wesleyan had a strong academic program for undergraduate women, but when he learned that men could earn a graduate degree at the College, he knew it would offer him a unique perspective and professional opportunity. He enjoys the face-to-face setting of meeting on campus as opposed to being exclusively online, plus he was pleased that he could use his experience and institutional leadership as an admittance requirement for the graduate program. “The dean and the professors are very personal and engaging. I am getting personalized attention, instruction, and feedback. I can definitely tell that the scope of my business knowledge and experience is expanding as a result of being enrolled in the program.” David, who serves as director of safety and security for the Bibb County School district, aspires to be a deputy superintendent of operations, a position that requires an advanced degree.

It’s not surprising that when Caroline Gowan ’22 began her college search, Wesleyan was on her list. Michelle said, “My daughter grew up in the shadow of Wesleyan’s campus, so she was very comfortable there from a young age. I was not surprised that Wesleyan was on her list of college choices, but I was thrilled when I learned it was her first choice.”

Caroline said she chose Wesleyan because it is small and because she learns best in an intimate environment where there are close relationships between professors and students. Like most students, she had a list of colleges she was considering, but after being accepted at Wesleyan, she didn’t apply anywhere else.

So what’s it like studying at her mother’s alma mater while her father is also a student? “It is cool to be my mom’s legacy. It’s strange running into my dad on campus! I keep thinking he is there to bring me something but he is just going to class. The good thing is I can help him find any place he needs to be. I love the connection we will have as graduates because we all will be true, faithful, and loyal to Wesleyan.”



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