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Wesleyan equestrians place in IHSA inaugural online horse show

Competing with more than 100 members and alumni from 23 colleges and universities, five Wesleyans riders placed in their class at the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) Inaugural Online Horse Show. Coached by Head Equestrian Coach Catherine Baker, ribbons were earned by Margaret Howard, 6th in Class 1 Intro Hunt Seat; Audrey Mecklenburg, 5th in Class 4 Limit Over Fences; Sarah Clare Langford, 6th in Class 4 Limit Over Fences; and Coach Catherine Texter Baker, 5th in Class 9 Alumni. Additionally, Wesleyan’s Western team earned 6th place in Western Team Championship. Margaret Howard placed 3rd place in Beginner Western Class 11. Other team members include Annmary Arce, Daebreon Buie, Nicole Gaddis, Shayla Knight, Charlotte Reagor, Josie Scordato, and Alison Strout.

Riders submitted videos showcasing their abilities in classes ranging from Hunter Seat Equitation on the Flat and Over Fences to Western Horsemanship, Ranch Riding, and Reining. The videos were judged and scored with written comments from the judges.

Wesleyan extends special thanks to Middle Georgia State University, who earned the Western Team Championship, for generously sharing their facilities and horses for recording Wesleyan’s Western team riders.

“I hope that even though this event was born out of the COIVD-19 virus, similar opportunities will be available in the future to riders that don’t normally have a chance to compete,” said Peter Cashman, IHSA executive director. “I want to thank and congratulate everybody who participated and hope that this is something we will see again in the spring.”

Established in 1967, the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association now encompasses 40 Regions in 8 Zones with more than 400 member colleges in 45 states and Canada and represents 10,000 members in hunter seat equitation, Western horsemanship, and reining. IHSA welcomes beginners through advanced riders in the hunter and Western disciplines to compete individually or on a team.

IHSA eliminates the expenses of horse ownership and allows more students to compete. Horses are furnished by host colleges and are chosen by drawing lots. Wesleyan also competes in the Intercollegiate Dressage Association, making it the only school in Georgia competing in IDA competitions.



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