This fast growing field applies psychological research to the workplace in order to make organizations more productive and profitable, and also improves employee well-being. I-O psychology teaches how jobs are defined and staffed, how teams work together, how to increase employee health and satisfaction, and how to reduce conflicts and problems in the workplace. It is designed to equip people to work as a practitioner with a career in consulting, diversity education, or training in a variety of settings including business, non-profit, and public agencies. According to The Society for I-O Psychology, the starting salary for an I-O specialist with a master’s degree can be as much as $65,000 a year, and top earners in the field can earn up to $250,000 or more. The Department of Labor predicts a fifty-three percent growth rate in I-O psychology between now and 2022. According to Dr. Shelly Martin, program director and professor of psychology at Wesleyan, “There is a lot of research on human behavior that has never been applied in the business world that would help organizations become more effective in how they recruit, train, and assess the effectiveness of employees in their jobs, and how to improve employee morale.” Embedded throughout Wesleyan’s curriculum is a focus on workplace justice, empowerment, and inclusion. As businesses become more aware of the costs of failing to prioritize treating people justly, Wesleyan I-O graduates will offer expertise in global issues such as embracing and sustaining workplace diversity, treating people equitably, and valuing employees. Wesleyan's 18-month fast-track program includes online and hybrid courses for student flexibility, as well as Wesleyan's signature seminar-style traditional on-campus classes to maximize students' learning and professional development. Classes are scheduled in the evenings to make it possible for students to continue working while pursuing their graduate degree. Professors are committed to helping students who move to the Macon area for the program find suitable employment with one of our local business partners. Martin said, “Wesleyan has a long history of encouraging diversity, inclusion, and thinking about issues of justice. As the career world becomes more competitive it is wonderful to think of employee talent as a resource. I-O psychology will help businesses become better poised for the future.” Wesleyan’s three graduate programs - executive master’s of business administration, master’s of education in early childhood education, and master’s of industrial-organizational psychology - enroll both women and men.