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Wesleyan Welcomes New Resident Artist Harrison D. Walker

Harrison D. Walker is an accomplished printmaker and freelance project consultant based out of Athens, GA. Walker's most recent project, Portals, uses the basic elements of photography to explore perception. Light, paper, and chemicals are used to create prints using a 20 inch steel disc. Although the process is the same for each print, Walker's project has revealed over 130 variations.

In a recent interview, Walker said, "With the series Portals there is an instruction manual. A little bit excessive, but I’ve recorded each material and step that I’ve taken to create each print with the idea that I can follow these instructions and you can follow these instructions and we’ll both get different things. Maybe they’ll be the same, maybe they’ll be different. If you make one in Richmond and I make one in Athens, I bet they’ll be different."

Walker earned his MFA in photography from the Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. He most recently served as faculty for a one-year appointment at Maine Media Workshops and College in Rockport, ME.

In addition to creating new works for his Portals project, Walker will teach a digital photography class this semester, present a public artist talk, host a few informal demos in monoprinting and cyanotype, and mount a solo exhibition in November.

He is currently represented by Corey Daniels Gallery in Wells, ME and Candela Books and Gallery in Richmond, VA. He has shown at Soho Photo in New York, NY; City Hall in Philadelphia, PA; and at Pop Gallery in Brisbane, Australia, among others.


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