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Wesleyan’s Kostiuk selected as a 2017 Governor’s Teaching Fellow

Wesleyan College Assistant Professor of Accounting Kara Kostiuk, CPA, MAcc, M.A. was selected as a 2017 Governor’s Teaching Fellow for the academic year symposium program. As one of only 15 faculty members from institutions of higher education across the state, Kostiuk was selected after a highly competitive application and selection process.

Kostiuk earned a master’s of accountancy from Georgia College & State University, a master’s of art in art history from Antioch University, and a bachelor of arts degree in studio art from Denison University. Her research interests include the psychological aspects of fraud and the economic implications of tax, accounting, and auditing regulatory updates.

In November, Kostiuk was the faculty sponsor for two teams of Wesleyan College students at the annual Internal Audit Case Competition, sponsored by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).

The Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program was established in 1995 by Zell Miller, governor of Georgia, 1991-1999, to provide Georgia’s higher education faculty with expanded opportunities for developing important teaching skills. Governor Miller envisioned that this program would address faculty members’ pressing need to use emerging technologies and instructional tools that are becoming increasingly important for learning in today’s society.

The Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program is an outreach program of the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Georgia. To improve the quality of instruction in Georgia’s colleges and universities, the Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program assumes the complex challenge of moving college faculty members to the leading edge of instructional practice. This effort to enhance instruction in public and private higher education statewide is very much in keeping with the University of Georgia’s traditional mission as a land-grant institution committed to diversified outreach and public service.

To date, more than 84 different disciplines, professions and teaching areas have been represented by over 600 Fellows from more than 71 public and private institutions statewide. To learn more about the Institute of Higher Education and the Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program, including information on how to apply, go to


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