Friends. The WCAA Board of Managers just returned from our annual planning weekend. This weekend is about thinking strategically and planning for the upcoming fiscal year. When I reviewed the notes I scribbled so furtively, I noticed I had scrawled these few terms repeatedly: Engagement ... Excitement ... Relationship. They were often followed with exclamation marks and underscored; and the supporting “to dos” and strawman plans reflect that too. These plans include (but are not limited to):
Ensuring current students are connected to our association. We will invite student leaders to attend our regular board meetings and make sure they know we are a resource for them.
Providing a robust Leadership Day experience (September 29-30). Sign up now to attend and hear about ways you can make a difference. We are streaming some talks too!
Creating a central email account where you can reach the Board of Managers. WesleyanBoM@gmail.com
Continuing the conversation about Wesleyan sisterhood to ensure all voices are heard and all experiences are respected and to provide safe places for healing and, in time, reconciliation
Thank you for your support of Wesleyan and of each other.
Much love,
Melanie Lewis
President, WCAA