The Board of Managers of the Alumnae Association is composed of 15 members, including three Alumnae Trustees who serve also on Wesleyan’s Board of Trustees. In addition, Alumnae Office staff members are ex-officio members of the Board. The Board of Managers meets three times a year at Wesleyan College. The Board also holds an off-campus retreat each fall to discuss goals and objectives for each fiscal year.

Yehudi Ben-J Self-Medlin ’96 A.B. (Falls Church, VA) Alumna Trustee (2017-2021)
Advanced Degrees: Ph.D., University of Virginia
Occupation: Associate Director for Science and Technology Investment, Computational and Information Sciences Directorate, Army Research Laboratory
Wesleyan Activities/Recognitions: Class of 1996 President, Reunion Chair, Candlelighter, Leadership Day (2016), Washington DC Metro Club,
Summer Leadership Institute Hostess (2008), Alumna Panelist for Summer Leadership Institute (2011)
Community Activities: Board member and Chair of Family Selection and Support for Habitat for Humanity (North Shore, Andover, MA, in 2008)

Allison McFarland Wilcox ’80 A.B. (Midland, MI) Member-at-Large for Nominations (2016-2019)
Advanced Degrees: M.S., Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Occupation: Homemaker, Community Volunteer
Wesleyan Activities/Recognitions: Candlelighter, Board of Managers (at-Large for Nominations), Reunion Co-Chair
Community Activities: PEO Chapter CE (member 2013-present, Treasurer 2017), Zoe Club of Midland (President 2014-2015, Member 2010- present), Midland Symphony Orchestra Advisory Board (2006-2015), Women of Michigan Action Network, Shelter House Resale Shop Volunteer.

Faith Sumpter ’08 A.B. (Avondale Estates, GA) Member-at-Large for Diversity and Inclusion (2017- 2020)
Advanced Degrees: M.A., Higher Education and Student Affairs, University of Connecticut
Occupation: Staff Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement Coordinator, Georgia Institute of Technology
Wesleyan Activities/Recognitions: Wesleyan Woman of Success (2008), BSA Reunion & Mixer (2017)
Community Activities: Junior League of Atlanta - Provisional Development Director-Elect, Make-a-Wish GA - Special Events Volunteer Mary

Kathryn Borland ’04 A.B. (Macon, GA) Member-at-Large for Student Relations (2017-2020)
Advanced Degrees: M.S., Sport & Fitness Management, Troy University
Occupation: Advancement Coordinator, Central Georgia Technical College
Wesleyan Activities/Recognitions: Candlelighting Chair AW ’17, Alumna Awards Committee, Friendship Family Host, Candlelighter, Class Liaison, Class Sponsor
Community Activities: Junior League of Macon